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Miranda Derrick Shows Disapproval Towards Netflix 7M TikTok Cult Film And Severs Links With Kin

Image Source: Miranda Derrick @ Instagram


Miranda Derrick Shows Disapproval Towards Netflix 7M TikTok Cult Film And Severs Links With Kin

“My admiration for my Mom, Dad, and Melanie is eternal yet presently we differ in perspectives. I regard this film as an imbalanced narration.”

Professional dancer at the heart of the controversial Netflix series Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult, Miranda Derrick, has denounced the documentary and repudiated allegations made by her family and accusations about the Shekinah Church.

The three-part film Dancing for the Devil spotlights the influencer firm 7M, its link to the Shekinah Church, and Pastor Robert Shinn. The management entity became a focal point of scrutiny following Miranda’s kin – sister Melanie and their parents Kelly and Dean – expressed worries via Instagram live intimating her involvement in a cult.

The documentary provides an intimate look at a cadre of dancers who estranged and divorced themselves from their kin after inking deals with the said management firm.

“Acknowledging the caring sentiments received concerning my welfare is essential for me. Considering ongoing legal actions where I am suing for slander, commenting on particular allegations would be inappropriate. Yet, I am clear in my stance against maltreatment of any kind,” she stated.

In reference to the distress publicly addressed by her sister Melanie and her parents, she explicated: “My love for my parents and Melanie is undying, and they will always have a part in my life, despite our current discord. I perceive this documentary as heavily biased.”

She continued: “The absence I sought wasn’t respected by my family, revealing a side of them I had never previously encountered. Their excessive meddling and tumultuous behavior indeed left me bitter, perturbed, and irked.”

Miranda offers her perspective on opting out of her grandfather’s funeral. Asserting familial unrest stemmed from her devotion, she remarked: “My faith instantly labeled as ‘cultish’ by my kin left me feeling menaced. Attending the funeral, in my mind, equated to a trap that would prevent my return to LA.”

Miranda defines the film as a “public onslaught” that exacerbates relational roadblocks with her kin.

“No one relishes being depicted as a manipulated, powerless, empty husk, or as a trafficked daughter/sister, especially when such portrayals diverge from the truth,” she articulated.

“Swaying beliefs isn’t my aim. I am merely striving to navigate my existence. I’ve not requested assistance from family or anyone else; I am not a casualty, I am not at risk, and I am not oppressed. My life choices ultimately rest in my hands. Your persistent backing is greatly esteemed as I contemplate and reflect on these developments,” she pleads.

Post-documentary launch on Netflix, Melanie Wilking has verified that Miranda elected to curtail communication with her kin anew. Subsequent to Melanie reaching out, she has yet to receive a response.

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